Let us assist you to register a Trademark in Dubai UAE
Protecting your brand is of absolute importance. Today every brand owner has a major concern of protecting consumer and industrial products against counterfeiting and fraudulent imports. It remains an ongoing battle as there is a surge in market diversion and counterfeiting, as shown by statistics on customs seizures.
It is, thus, in the best interest of your business to take effective steps to prevent counterfeiting before it hurts your goodwill.
Right Corporate Services is a reputable trademark registration firm in Dubai, UAE. We offer our clients high-quality professional trademark, patent and logo registration services in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. At Right Corporate Services, we have in-house attorneys who are knowledgeable in the methodology required for intellectual properties and trademark registration in Dubai.
Right Consulting is committed to protecting your trademark and service mark, guarding against Infringement and enforcing your rights in our coverage area which includes the UAE, GCC and the entire World.
What is a Trademark?
A trademark is a form of Intellectual Property which can be a recognizable insignia, phrase or any other symbol that illustrates the source of the goods or services and explicitly distinguishes them from others in the industry. When purchasing goods or hiring the service, the Trademarks serve as an information shortcut for consumers, and by virtue of that trademark, the consumer has the exact knowledge ofthe source of the product or services.
Types of Trademarks: –
- Word Marks: – The markconsists of one or more words and can also be a combination of numbers or letters.
- Device Marks: – These are Logos and labels as well as words in a special form used to distinguish a product from other similar products.
- Shape Marks: –The 3-Dimensional shape of a product or packaging can be registered as a trademark.
- Collective Trademark: – A trademark used to distinguish the products or services of facilities belonging to a certain entity having a legal character.
- Color Marks: – Sometimes a single color or combination of colors can also be registered as a trademark.
- Control and Inception Mark: – These are the marks owned by legal persons for the sake of controlling and examining the products or services regarding their source or the components or the method of production and its quality.
Significance of a Trademark in the Business World
Undeniably the trademark is one of the most valuable intangible and unrealized assets which is widely ignored by a majority of small scale businesses. However, the big companies realize the significance of Trademarks and go to great lengths for the creating, investing, protecting and capitalizing on the same to their advantage. To magnify the value of this intangible asset, the trademarks laws in UAE ensure the exclusive rights of trademark owner/proprietor and protect the trademark against its unauthorized use without the prior authorization of the owner.
A Trademark Must be
- Original for the goods or services which you are applying to register it for
- Not misleading, or contrary to law or morality
- Not misleading or identical to any earlier marks for similar goods or services
What is trademark registration process?
The steps are listed below:
Initial Search
We apply on your behalf and request foran initial search for the targeted trademark registration. We submit the application to the concerned authorities requesting the initial search for the targeted Trademark.
Search Result
A negative search result implies that the Trademark is registered by none.
Deposit The Documents
Following this, we deposit the documents along with an application for your Trademark registration.
Documents Examination Process
After the deposition and application, the concerned authorities will examine the trademark.
It takes approximately 6-9 months for the declaration of result of the examination.
Fee Submission to Authorities
In case there is no opposition made by third parties, the complete payment of fees must be made in a month’s time. Confirming to that, the authorities will send you a certificate of Trademark registration. If there is any opposition raised by third parties, the applicant has a month’s time to file an appeal.
Trademark Registration Services in Dubai
Right Corporate Services offers a wide range of services that vary from registering Intellectual Property to the enforcement of your rights against invaders. We strive to furnish the best service to our clients & take care of all follow up from the government department involved in the trademark registration in Dubai.
We are champions in providing guidance and professional advice for safeguarding the trademark of our clients and acquainting them with their rights, privileges and obligations. We provide stellar service to our clients and we know exactly who the right people are who should receive your application. With this, you can rest assured and just sit back and wait for the whole process to be finished by us.